A Child Custody Attorney in the Columbus, OH Area That Will Walk You Through Your Options

In Ohio, the law states that an unmarried woman who gives birth to a child has automatic legal custody of the child. There are certain circumstances where the court may give custody to someone else. If the mother has legal custody and refuses the father to visit the child, you can file the court to order visitation. The father will not have any rights until he established paternity and gets a court order granting rights.

Priya is an experienced child custody attorney in the Columbus, OH area that can help you sort through the legalities of custody arrangements. With more than a decade of experience assisting parents, you can trust her to help you find a fair solution for your family.

Ensure a Fair Child Custody Agreement

Protect Your Child’s Future

  • Father’s Rights: In Ohio, the father’s parental rights lie in his marital status. He does not have parental rights if he is not married to the mother when the child is born. He must first establish paternity. A father’s rights lawyer can assist you with this.
  • Non-Parent Custody: This is a situation in which a grandparent or non-parent files for custody. If a non-parent wants to obtain custody, they must prove that the natural parent is unsuitable.
  • Shared Parenting Plans: Shared parenting, also known as joint custody, is an agreement between both parents. The parenting plan will detail obligations between the parents.
  • Child Support: The court will look at the income of both parents and the parenting time of both parties to determine if child support is necessary.

Consult with a Lawyer Today

Call for a Free Consultation

If you would like to learn more about child custody agreements and father’s rights, get in touch with a lawyer today. Priya is a trusted child custody attorney in Columbus, OH, that can help you navigate the legalities. She can provide representation in court if you need a lawyer to protect your rights as a parent. Get in touch with her today and schedule your first consultation!

Our Full Range of Services

Offering legal counsel for all your family legal matters.

Family Law

Assisting with father’s rights, parenting plans, and more.

Unmarried Custody

Get legal guidance through annulment, dissolution, etc.


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